A collaboration between the renowned botanical artist Azuma Makoto, Disney, and Mighty Jaxx! presents an enchanting experience of artistic brilliance to breathe new life into the iconic Mickey Mouse.
In his exploration of artistic expressions using flowers and plants, Azuma Makoto has embarked on a mission to make an indelible mark in art collectibles. Witness Mickey as he strikes his iconic pose, enveloped by a kaleidoscope of vibrant flowers that bloom ceaselessly. This extraordinary masterpiece by Azuma Makoto evokes a sense of nostalgia and serves as a testament to his unparalleled artistry and profound reverence for the exquisite beauty of flowers.
Limited to just 300 editions, the Mickey Mouse by Azuma Makoto (9″) figure is now available for pre-order exclusively on MightyJaxx.com. Secure your piece of art and expect the figure to ship by October 2024.
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